Newshour field trip

February 14, 2008 Filed under: AllThingsV

Img 0487I had the pleasure of hanging out at Newshour last Friday. Newshour is one of our greatest clients at National Public Media (where I still serve as Technology Strategist) and they are still the producers of some of the finest content on television.

Unfortunately, the web has moved a little faster than public tv budgets have, and so we have some work to do on the Newshour website. Nonetheless, after our meeting last week, I came away with great expectations for what's to come. Lee and the rest of the web team down there are smart smart guys and get what it's going to take.

Number one on the list of things to do is to make all video on the site Flash and embed-able on other sites. Newshour exemplifies my "content as a resource" principal. It's begging to be repurposed and redistributed, and its veracity is of the highest caliber, which makes great garnish for bloggers.

Anyway, it's great that all of this is coming soon.

Back to the Newshour visit: Img 0494

I had tons of fun watching the show aired live. I'm a total geek for this stuff. When I was in college I went to the CNN center in Atlanta and totally geeked out. Many of you know that I was President of the TV station back in school too, and so when I see this stuff live it's too much.

The photo below is of Jim getting prepped to go on air and the photo above is of the brand-new HD control center. The front screen is one big screen with everything up on it and feeds from every major news source coming in. Very cool.

Img 0486

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