
September 02, 2008 Filed under: Web2Expo

Web2OpenIn two weeks, technologists and media experts will converge on the Javits Center in New York City for four days of workshops, speeches, panels, and product demos from the leading edge of the Web 2.0 Industry.

During the historic Web 2.0 Expo, I, along with an amazing team of fellow volunteers, will be hosting the Web2Open Conference, right from the very floor of the Expo.

Web2Open is the free "un-conference" side of the Web 2.0 Expo and takes place on September 17th and 18th, during the Expo. Inspired by the BarCamp movement, Web2Open is where the attendees lead create the conference content. It's volunteer organized, and offers a fresh, community-oriented take on tech conferences.

One of the best parts of the Web2Open is that it's free! To register, sign up for Expo pass using the code webny08opn (attendees with conference pass may also participate).

Wondering how you can get involved?

The most important thing you can do is show up, participate in attendee-led sessions, and even propose a session yourself (most sessions are pitched and decided on on-site!).

Also, as you're gearing up to come to the Open, sign up for the Web 2.0 Expo CrowdVine community and interact with other attendees. There, people are already pitching Web2Open session ideas, and some will be selected as pre-programming in the weeks that follow.

Lastly, we still could use some volunteers! Volunteers will help staff the Web2Open welcome desk, introducing folks to the Open format, helping folks understsand how they can get involved.

Anyway, I'm quite excited about having the Web 2.0 Expo in town this month (personally, I can't wait for my panel with Kevin Ryan, David S. Rose, and Karin Klein), and especially the Web2Open, where we -- the New York Tech community -- make the conference!

PS: Get excited for the Speeddating Q&A event on the 18th and 3pm! There, you'll be able to meet and ask anything to Tim O'Reilly, Deborah Schultz, Brady Forrest, Jen Pahlka, James Au, Dennis Crowley, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Cal Henderson!

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