What was magical about the DNC?

September 10, 2008 Filed under: DNC

As I blogged earlier, I'm going to be giving another Ignite talk next week called "Magic at the Democratic National Convention."

The goal: to take you inside the mechanics of certain "magical" moments of the DNC. Building off my study of "Social Magic" I gave as an Ignite talk two months ago, with this talk I'm going to dive into certain key moments of the Convention, what they did and the magic's effect on the conventiongoers, delegates, and, in turn, the National audience.


So, in order to pull this talk off, I need to hear from you.

Whether you were there, watched the whole thing on CSPAN, caught just the keynotes, tuned in only Barack Obama's acceptance speech, listened on the radio, just saw a newspaper article the day, or heard something around the watercooler:

What key moments struck you as pure magic about the Democratic National Convention?

I'd love to include it in my Ignite talk.

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