Users and Developers Look at Your Site Differently

June 08, 2007 Filed under: Web-trends

Swivel is a cool app. Thinking about building features in your own app that could use their technology and data? Let's go to their site and look for developer resources.

I did, and didn't find any. For that reason, I emailed the crew and received a prompt response with the right URL. Also, they informed me that the link I was looking for was on the upper right of the screen, right by their search box, at the center of the user's attention.

How could the placement have been better?

Picture 3-1

Well, when I went to their site the first time, I looked in the bottom of the page. No link.

What's the point? Swivel put their developer link in plain view for Swivel users to see. But I went to the bottom of the page because I wanted to use the app, but as a developer, and the footer is where "developer" links are, right?

The moral of the story is that when users go to your site they're looking for one thing, and when developers look at your site they're coming to look for another thing.

Here's Facebook: Picture 5

Here's FeedBurner: Picture 6

Here's Blogger: Picture 8

Here's Freebase: Picture 9

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