6 Months
[caption id="attachment_1145" align="alignnone" width="331" caption="My View of Jerusalem"][/caption]
This week marks the 6th month anniversary of AnyClip for me.
It was the last week of March that I partnered with Aaron Cohen and spent my first official day with the company en route to Jerusalem to meet a company called PopTok and the team behind it.
March 29th, 2009 was Day 1 of this turn-around story.
What's transpired over the 6 months following has been thrilling, exhausting, intellectually challenging, and -- most importantly -- personally rewarding. I've worked late nights and red-eyed mornings with some of the most amazing people on this planet; Together, we've built a new company, with a vision which inspires young, old, computer and otherwise illiterate, poor and rich, friends and family; and, we've built the technology to back it up.
Today, we're AnyClip. We're building a World Class company.
I'm a lucky guy to have had these 6 months. I'm looking forward to the next 6, and those that come after.