The Interwebs - Episode 1
The Interwebs has officially launched!
While we put together a bunch of interviews at SXSW, this episode marks the real launch of a full show.
In it: a quick segment dedicated to the headlines, a VC interview, a mobile trends segment, and "Vital Signs" - a segment about the business of making a web show!
Full summary here:
0:24 - This Week Nate recaps the news about Obopay and Nokia, and Skype on iPhone
0:59 - I Want To Spend My Money Chris Sacca (@sacca) discusses investing in companies that build things on the back of Twitter, NYC band PR startup Fanbridge, and how to start up, build, and exit a company in this economy.
3:30 - Mobile Behavior Alli and Laura of NextGreatThing talk about personalities and mobile devices. Phone is the new car.
7:04 - Vital Signs Quirk and Nate talk about their first week making The Interwebs, divulge viewership and financial stats, and talk about past and future sponsorships.