Superlatives: innonate at 1 year and 100 subscribers

October 11, 2007 Filed under: About

Dear readers, This week marks the 1 year anniversary of this blog, "innonate." Coincidentally, this last week is when I finally passed the 100 mark in total subscribers.

I'm celebrating this 1 year mark by sending you this "best of" post. Really, it's a superlative post. The "mosts" of my writing. In return, I'm going to ask you, my friends and readers, to give back to this blog in two ways:

  1. Go through and read these posts, or think about the posts you've already read, and comment below as to what your favorite has been.
  2. If there's one of these posts you like more than the rest, pass that article onto a friend.

Hey, I know this sounds like I'm tooting my own horn a little, but that's what birthdays are for! Honestly, I've been enjoying this process of writing and developing a (modest) audience so very much, and now I'd just like to know which posts were really worth your time and mine. It's my objective to make this next year of writing even better than the last - to learn more this next year than I did last year. Looking back has been an enjoyable to end a year and start another, and I hope it's enjoyable for you.

Much love,


Most Researched: The Web 2.0 Valuation Project Here I parse through over a dozen "Web 2.0" companies and try to find trends in their valuations. Interesting facts, such as the $20/user trend, emerge.

Most in Love: The Most Valuable Social Network This post is about nextNY and why it's better than any other "social network" I'm a member of.

Most Memed: cafeBricolage: the NYC solution is a hot-plate I came out with the "cafeBricolage Manifesto" in February. By summertime Cooper Bricolage was open and Charlie had blogged about USV-bricolage.

Most Political On Coming Home (to work the election) When it comes to Ohio politics, I'm a partisan Democrat. I've worked on campaigns and saw the devastation caused by my party's failure to win the state in the 2004 presidential elections. Last November, I took Amtrak 20 hours back to Cincinnati to help David Pepper win back Hamilton County from the Republican -- the first Democratic majority in that county in over 60 years.

Most Provocative: Facebook (as we know it) is a Fad Maybe I'll never get bought or be hired by Facebook because of it. But it's true. I think the Facebook that we know of today is doomed to fail, unless it opens up its social graph.

Most in Love with New Media: Information is Entertainment is Information is Entertainment I'm fairly confident that new media is NOT a fad. Part of this is realizing that information and entertainment will become increasingly blended. The Daily Show gets this.

Most Succinct Concept: "Web 2.0 is about 'Lowering barriers to mattering.'"

Most Graphic Hawk Kills Pigeon Awesome pictures from Neither More Nor Less.

Most Commented On: Is this Steve Fossett? The community searches Thank you Google.

Fun fact: Most people don't know that "innonate" started as a typo. I write a lot of emails, so you can imagine that I write my name a lot ("Cheers, Nate" - "Regards, Nate" - etc). Because of that, when I'm typing quickly, I often write the word "nate" into words that end in "ate." "innonate" was a product of writing the word "innovate" with a typo.

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