More about Women and the Net

December 14, 2006 Filed under: Real Users

I had the pleasure of meeting two women involved in the New York tech community last night at the nextNY holiday party. One was a writer for CNET and the other was a developer/programmer. I thought this was timely anomaly considering my article yesterday about how women seem to be under served in the online world. More evidence of people "getting" this came today, as VentureBeat reported that fashion network Glam Media raised another $18.5 million at a valuation of a staggering $150 million. What made this interesting to me was that the CNET author and I agreed that women were being under-marketed to in the online space, but not in lowbrow areas such as fashion and gossip. With sites like Glam, PopSugar, and a whole host of other women-oriented site, she and I agreed that where women are really being under-served is in the web app space, and specifically in the practical and useful web app space.

"Women don't need to be talked down to," she said, referring to Sugar Publishing's new GeekSugar, which featured an article about how to take stickers off of electronics.