Milestone: Alfalfa Released
Okay, so I can't tell you what I'm working on, but I can tell you that everything is going well and that the "alfalfa" version of my project is now live and being tested by a user base of about 20 people. What's "alfalfa?" Simply put, it's NOT "alpha" -- lingo for the hyper-geeks. Alfalfa is the first stage in growing a strong user-base for your software. It is all about the people and their relationship with your product. It's about getting a handful of people in there and playing around with the bare naked application you've put together so you can listen to them tell you what's terrible, and maybe what's good. Alfalfa is when your site becomes social. That's why it's fun to watch alfalfa grow.
On a side note, it was nice to see alfalfa go live on what would have been my grandfather's 90th birthday. I can only hope he'd be proud of anything I do today.